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A look back at the last Linguistic Security Committee meeting of the year, held in Victoria from April 28 to 30!

After a busy year, the members of the committee met for a two-day retreat in Victoria! A stay punctuated by social activities and work sessions, which also enabled them to take stock of the past year and prepare for the coming one.

A gratifying assessment of the work accomplished in 2023-2024 Clémentine Creach, Manager of Educational Programs and coordinator of the Linguistic Security Committee, proudly announced to the members present that their actions over the past year had enabled them to reach over 600 community members through the facilitation of about twenty workshops across the province. The debriefing session also provided an opportunity to draw up initial action plans for the new school year: continuing to run workshops with the educational community, strengthening initiatives with the Conseil scolaire francophone students, and reaching out to immersion students.

Workshops, social events and conferences After several off-site committee meetings this year, the committee was able to take advantage of this getaway to spend some time together at social activities (including a pottery workshop and a snack break at Chocolat Favoris), but above all to blow out the committee's fifth candle! After the reunion, committee members had the opportunity to consolidate their linguistic knowledge thanks to a workshop led by sociolinguist Suzanne Robillard. The trip ended on a high note with a lecture by Annette Boudreau, professor emeritus at the University of Moncton specialized in linguistic insecurity, organized in collaboration with the francophone society of Victoria and the University of Victoria. The committee had the chance to meet her and, above all, to present their work. An inspiring and enriching meeting to round off the stay!

New member recruitment still underway The committee is currently recruiting new members for the 2024/2025 year! All French-speaking young people aged 16 to 25 who are interested in linguistic security are invited to apply. It's a great opportunity to join a group of passionate young people committed to their community. Registration is open until May 23. To apply, simply create a profile on the new member plateform of our website and fill in the registration form available in the “My events” tab. For further information, please click here.