Led by
serving French-speaking
youth of British Columbia!

Retour sur le Réseau jeunesse
Du 29 novembre au 1er décembre 2024 avait lieu le Réseau jeunesse à l’école Jules-Verne à Vancouver. Retour sur ces trois jours de rencontres, d’ateliers, de projets collaboratifs et d’activités sociales pour les jeunes francophones engagé.e.s souhaitant améliorer leur communauté.
Les actualités du CJFCB en immersion !
Depuis plusieurs semaines, le CJFCB travaille sur sa programmation pour les élèves en immersion. C’est le moment de vous en dire plus sur le Programme d’échange, la tournée des écoles et le Forum local Français pour l’avenir !

Educational start-up guide to support linguistic security among students.
The Conseil jeunesse is proud to present a brand new resource to support new teachers at the Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie-Britannique (CSF): an educational start-up guide to support student linguistic security. This tool is the result of a collaboration between Marie-Eve Bouchard, linguist and professor at the University of British Columbia, and the British Columbia Linguistic Security Committee. It is the result of 2 years of research and development, and is based on Marie-Eve's work and numerous interviews with teachers of French-language schools in BC, as well as members of the Linguistic Security Committee. This guide is an invitation to reflect on how the sociolinguistic reality of BC students impacts the classroom and students' language practices. To foster a teaching practice that reinforces students' language security, this guide also offers turnkey activities for addressing this topic with students in grades 8 to 12. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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