December 2014 : A mix of generations
December 2014 : A mix of generations
The “Mixed Generations” project is a collaboration between the Conseil Jeunesse francophone (CJFCB) and Campbell River’s francophone association (AFCR). It has for its goal, to create links between the francophone seniors and youth of Campbell River through the medium of radio. It began in November and will be extended over a period of six months. Six young students and five seniors will gather around microphones to create radio vignettes about subjects they care about.
The first vignette, recorded on November 10th, 2014, was particularly interested in francophone culture in Campbell River. The participants exchanged points of view for 15 minutes and the young questioned the seniors about their francophone culture since their arrival in Campbell River. Pauline also explained that “French culture is more alive now than it was 50 years ago because of the creation of Campbell River’s francophone association and because of the opening of French immersion schools”. Berth reinforced this statement by explaining that it is truly “the environment that supports the language”.
The simple act of meeting and appreciating each other is a benefit for each member of the group. The positives effects are palpable as the seniors feel that their experience is profitable while the young gain from listening to these role models. Click on the following link to hear the podcast from the November 10th recording.