


Du November 11th 2023 au June 30th 2024


14-25 y/o

12 participants

Ton contact :


Have you always dreamed of creating useful tools in French, organizing projects to help the environment or co-hosting workshops on issues that are important to you, such as reconciliation, the history of francophones or inclusion?

With Connecte, you can make it a reality!

By participating, you can develop a project that defined by YOU and has a positive impact on you and your community.

You will have the chance to create THE mission of your dreams that you want to achieve in your community with specialized support from the CJFCB, a partner organization and a mentor who shares your interests.

Pas de contenu fourni
Pas de contenu fourni


  • Strengthen the links between young Francophones and their community through commitment and voluntary service;
  • Empower young in a sustainable way through training and increase their sense of leadership;
  • Support local initiatives and share good practices of engagement.

We want to thank our partners for their dedication.

Canada-British Columbia Agreement on French Language services 2018-2019 to 2023-2024.
